Saturday, January 30, 2016

Bethlehem, City of the highest God

Today we went to Bethlehem. A city outside of the walls, home to Palestinians who are Christians, Muslims and Orthodox. The city that holds the stories of faith for so many. The scripture quotes that all of us have heard from childhood rise up with new meaning.
"Every Valley shall be exhalted and every hill made low." "But you Bethlehem-Ephrathah, from you shall come forth one who is to be the ruler of Israel."

The mosaic is the first step as we entered the shepherds cave, the words of the Angels.

The cave where the shepherds kept their flocks at night.

We prayed for peace for all the countries torn by war, including Palestine and Israel.

The chapel in Beit Sahor, city of the Shepherds.
We met with a man, Anton, who is working for peace among the Israelis and the Palestinians. He works with the Holy Land Trust.  It was inspiring and amazing to see his patience and willingness to go the distance while working for something that still eludes this land.
"Now there were shepherds in the regions. The angel appeared to them and said,'Do not be afraid. 
I proclaim good news of great joy for ALL people. Glory to God and on earth peace."

Friday, January 29, 2016

Western Wall ( Wailing Wall)

Your names were on small papers and I placed them in this Holy Wall where our Jewish sisters and brothers pray, trusting that the prayers placed here go straight to God.
Psalm 122 : Because for my relatives and friends I will say Peace be within you.

Thursday, January 28, 2016


We gathered in the Cenacle( Upper Room) with 200 Christians from all denominations to pray for unity among Christians.  It was lead by the Benedictine community who oversees the church of the Dormition.  I was very powerful to pray in the room where Jesus broke bread and asked that all be one. May it be so.
Cenacle window very Arabic as it once was a mosque.

People gathering. We sang in French, German and English, Veni Sanctae Spiritus and Praise to the Lord.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Larrrrrra in Seat 10E

Boarding the plane in Amsterdam I waited anxiously wondering who would have the two seats next to me.  For a long time they remained empty, could it be, I thought, two empty seats? Then a small girl, with black curls a fucia bow holding them in place and dragging her Lady bug carry-on came down the isle, followed by her dad.
All in one motion she looked at me, I got up to let her in she held up her KLM passport cover and coloring book and said, "Would you open these for me,please?"  So began our relationship of 4 and 1/2 hours.  She asked my name, I told her. I asked hers and she answered, Larrrrrra! Laura was her name but with all her beautiful "r's" it sounded Iike Lara. We talked, colored, had a guessing game, all while her dad slept. Later when Laura slept I talked with her father.  They were returning to Jerusalem to visited Laura's grandparents. In 2008 her family migrated to South Africa due to the conflicts in Palestine. 
This joyful, feisty, engaging child would have a label while in Israel. Looking at her as she slept, head on me, feet on her dad. I pondered our world's reality of labeling.  Jesus' words "You must become like little children." kept wandering through my head and heart. Laura did not know about labeling yet, maybe that is why we are to be like little children.

Monday, January 25, 2016

The Sabbath in Schipol Internationl Airport Amsterdam

Many people from all over the world, free wifi, transit desks, M&M's store, McDonalds's and tulips crossed my path this Sunday.  I am reminded of Jesus said telling us that God knows the number of hairs my head and on each of the heads I have seen this Sunday. I am sure God also knows the number of petals on the tulip and the number of M&M's that fill big tubes in the guest shopping area.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Land named holy by all who love it

The Holy Land is loved by Jews, Christians, Muslims, Armenians and People of the Baha'i Faith. Each groups calls it by a holy name.