Saturday, January 30, 2016

Bethlehem, City of the highest God

Today we went to Bethlehem. A city outside of the walls, home to Palestinians who are Christians, Muslims and Orthodox. The city that holds the stories of faith for so many. The scripture quotes that all of us have heard from childhood rise up with new meaning.
"Every Valley shall be exhalted and every hill made low." "But you Bethlehem-Ephrathah, from you shall come forth one who is to be the ruler of Israel."

The mosaic is the first step as we entered the shepherds cave, the words of the Angels.

The cave where the shepherds kept their flocks at night.

We prayed for peace for all the countries torn by war, including Palestine and Israel.

The chapel in Beit Sahor, city of the Shepherds.
We met with a man, Anton, who is working for peace among the Israelis and the Palestinians. He works with the Holy Land Trust.  It was inspiring and amazing to see his patience and willingness to go the distance while working for something that still eludes this land.
"Now there were shepherds in the regions. The angel appeared to them and said,'Do not be afraid. 
I proclaim good news of great joy for ALL people. Glory to God and on earth peace."

1 comment:

  1. This entry deeply touched my heart. The photos and the descriptions bring me back to "a child is born for us..." so simple, so profound. And I wonder about all the centuries of war, the children and families who have only know war. Can they even imagine what peace could be? So I pray with you for peace in our hearts, in our lives, in our families, cities, nation and world. Thanks!
