Friday, March 11, 2016

Connections to Israel continue

Today Zsofi, communications co-ordinator, for the Hungarian province took me to see the magnificent Parliament building of Hungary. We walk along the Danube for a time talking about all things Hungarian.

As we walked we came upon a memorial to the Jews and others considered dissidents
who were rounded up in Budapest during 1944-45. Some were sent to the camps, others were brought to the river, shot and tossed in. 

The Community decided to place shoes along the banks of the river in memory of these people, rather than building something in stone or brass. It is extremely moving to walk the river path and see all of these shoes.
Plaques are placed long the way inviting all to remember.

This one is in Hebrew. Actions such as these that took place throughout Europe were the reason so many Jews went to Israel to the land they believed would give them freedom and peace.
Indeed we must not forget nor repeat in any way, with any people.

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