Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Hungary by Night

Last night S. Judit and I took a beautiful cruise on the Danube River. The Danube, of course, reminds us of Blessed Theresa, Caroline, and her own love of the river which runs through Germany.
Budapest is a gorgeous city by day and magical by night. Join me on the cruise.

Poet Sandor Petofi. He recited a poem to the crowds urging them to rise up and fight for freedom from Austria.  The refrain of the poem, " We vow, we vow, that we will be slaves no longer."  Every year schools perform a play about the Independance War on March 15.  The children in the school here, did so last Friday.  The refrain is repeated with great pride. The entire poem is called the National Poem.

The city has 6 bridges which span the Danube connecting what used to be two cities Obuda and Pest.
(the s has the sh found).

Elizabeth Bridge

The Liberty Bridge

The Chain Bridge

The Castle
The Parliament - used today.

All the water is, of course, The Danube!

The evening ended as we walked by home through Budapest.  
While seeing the historical sites and the beauty of the city was marvelous,the best experience of this time was meeting the Living stones of Budapest, our sisters.

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