Monday, March 14, 2016

Living Stones - Hungary

As all the Living Stones of this journey have blessed me, the same has happened through my time in Hungary.
I have been staying with our Hungarian SSND's since last Thursday. My experience with the sisters has shown me once again, that wherever we are from and whatever language we speak there is a deep connection with one another that seems mysterious.  I have never been here before and I only knew two of the sisters. Yet when I sat with them at prayer, meals and their weekend meeting I felt the bond of Blessed Theresa, our founder, flowing between us.  As one of the sisters here said, "there is a type of SSND blood flowing in our veins."
The sisters came from their places of ministry to spend the weekend together discussing affairs of the province and of the congregation.  While I did not understand the words, I knew some of the topics because all School Sisters of Notre Dame throughout the congregation are discussing the same topics: our commitment to peace, the earth, our ministry with women and children, our concern for the present refugee reality, which is very real of Hungary. All of this comes from the vision of Blessed Theresa. Here, as at every meeting all over the world, we have her presence before us.
 As our constitution You Are Sent says: "As members of an International congregation, we recognize our obligation and opportunities to develop a world vision and a sense of global responsibility."

Sister Dominica sharing about the International Shalom meeting last July.

Our General Directory says: "The internationality of our congregation affects all we are and do. broadens the scope of our concern and fosters in us a readiness to be with and to serve people of various cultural backgrounds....."
You Are Sent again says: "Our internationality challenges us to witness to unity in a divided world..."
So much could be said but for now I share with you some of the SSND's from Hungary, who work in Serbia, Transylvania and  besides Hungary.

S.Paulina and S. Alix

S. Renata and S. Monika

S. Csilla and S. Ildiko 

S. Julianna

S. Adrien
S. Ladiszla

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