Saturday, February 6, 2016

Allahu Akbar - God is most great!

Thursday and Friday we learned about Isalm and went to the Holy Places.  Following tha I cam upon an article from which the following two paragraphs come.

"I learned that Muslims affirm five “pillars” of faith, all of which should sound extremely familiar to Christians: a declaration of faith, daily prayer, fasting, charity, and pilgrimage. Muslims uphold the New Testament and the Hebrew Scriptures as sacred texts, revere Jesus as a great prophet, and his mother, Mary, as a saint. Having learned Arabic, I could read parts of the Qur'an, which says “surely those who believe, and those who are Jews, and Christians … whoever believes in God and the Last Day and does good, they shall have their reward from their Lord.”

Dome of the Rock - built in 688.  In it I the rock from which Mohammed ascended to the heavens.

Some of the beauty seen in the Dome and throughout the Temple Mount.


"Islam and Christianity have a complicated, 1400-year history, one all too often marked by profound misunderstanding and violence on both sides. This is an appropriate moment to remember that reconciliation — hanging together in hope, working toward fruitful relationship — is the central work of the Church. We practice reconciliation when we refuse to separate ourselves from others we don’t know or understand; when we insist on a more honest view of the world, even if it’s a more complicated one; when we pray for and move toward forgiving those who have hurt us; when we are kind and merciful toward our neighbors, our colleagues, our friends, and ourselves."
Claire Dietrich Ranna


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The artistry adds to the beauty and legacy of this holy spot. The interlacing of the historic and religious elements adds to this wonder of this spot. It's like an unfolding flower with so many dimensions of color and scent. How rich this experience for you! Thanks for sharing it with us.
