Monday, February 22, 2016

Shabbat Shalom!

Last Friday evening our group went to Synagogue for Shabbat prayer. As many of you know, Shabbat prayer begins with sundown Friday ,ending at sundown Saturday night.
We went to Kihillet Yedidya synagogue, a reformed Jewish congregation.  This group keeps kosher and the regulations required by Jewish law. The are however, very open to sharing the roles between women and men.  This would be unique to this synagogue.

    The Book we were giving to flowing along in the Hebrew service. Notice it opens on the left.

One of our instructors belongs to this synagogue. When we arrived she took us to a gathering room and gave us instructions to prepare us for service. Women sit on one side men on the other, a curtain divides the room. Pictures were not allowed in the synagogue proper because by the time we went in it was Shabbat and no pictures are allowed.  I took the one below as I had three minutes before Shabbat began.

    The Kingdom of God - mixed medium art.

The service is comprised of singing psalms, reading some parts out loud, but not in unison and a reflection on the law, as the Torah is only read on the Saturday of Shabbat.  
The music was acappella, with the melodies reminding me of The Fiddler on the Roof.  We were invited to hmm, Lye,lyela or deedle deedle along. ( these descriptions were of our teacher when she invited us to sing.)
Bowing and weaving was done at random but as a way of keeping focused on the prayer.  I thought the movement was very reasonable, as it reminded me of Kenya and the movement in liturgy there.  A number of our group found it "too much" or distracting.  I think our experiences of church were revealed in our responses and comments about this.
After service we met our guest family and walked, no driving on Shabbat, to their home for the meal.
I will share about that next time.


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