Sunday, February 21, 2016

Living Stones Part 2

Notice the words of the UN declaration.  "Refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbors should be permitted to do so at the earliest practicable date...." This was written 68 years ago.  the difficult is the phrase live at peace with..... The parties involved have different definitions of peace..  In 1950 Jews were granted the"Right to Return" decided by their ancestry.
These two realities, UN Resolution and Law of Return, contribute to the division's today.

Graffiti is abundant. This was written by one of the Arab cartoonists.  The child 's back is always to the viewer. He is a Palestinian with no face.

Streets of the camp. This camp is in Bethlehem.  Most tours go to Bethleham but do not go to this area.

A Palestinian man came out of his house to share his families story. You could hear anger, despair and a sense of resignation.

The faces of the young men killed by the Israeli army. It is obvious, they expect more deaths, there was one yesterday.

      This image depicts the weapons used by either side. Palestinians, Israeli.

During meals at Tantur we discuss these realities over and over.  It is so complicated.
So far there does not seem to be any solutions in sight.

Yet we must never give up.

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