Monday, February 8, 2016

Galilee - Caesarea Maritima

Galilee itself stands as significant to Jesus ministry.  It was between here and Jerusalem that we know Jesus lived, preached and died.
The Romans also built a huge port here.  Once again as in other parts of our trip Herod the Great looms large. Great not because of his fine character but for all the building he did.
This port center was significant in the spread of the Christian Faith also. Peter came here to baptize Cornelius, the Deason, and Paul was sent from this port ot Rome to be judged by the emporer.
On top of the amphitheater.

The theater
A sarcaphogas of a deacon.

This marks the room where Paul was kept prisoners until he was sent to Rome.

Magnificent aqueduct carrying fresh water.

The Mediterraean Sea

 I found this place intriguing because of the antiquity preserved, the natural beauty and the intersection of Roman life with some of the most famous Christians we read about in Acts of the Apostles.
Standing on the ground where St. Peter and St. Paul walked was inspiring for me.

1 comment:

  1. I've had similar feelings for you in the last couple of be where Jesus, Mary, the apostles, and other religious figures of so long ago seems overwhelming and amazing. It stirs my heart and stops me in my tracks.
